Global Virtual Reality Use Statistics
Virtual reality has undoubtedly seen a surge in popularity over the past few years. It’s gone from being a far-off futuristic dream to a common household commodity in a surprisingly short amount of time. This is in large part thanks to advances in VR technology that have made it more accessible than ever and the backing of large corporations, such as Meta (formerly Facebook) and Sony, who’ve managed to reach the global market with their respective products.
Has the world fully embraced VR yet, though? If current projections are to be believed, no, but it’s well on its way. Nearly every prediction for both VR and AR technology has it taking off at a rapidly increasing rate over the next few years.

Still, that isn’t to say that VR’s impact up until this point has been insignificant. The emerging technology has already carved out a sizable chunk of the consumer market for itself, and these projections show that it’s doing anything but slowing down.
To give you a better overall look at where the VR industry currently stands, here are some noteworthy statistics on VR’s global impact.
Developing a VR Game
- There are currently more than 171 million virtual reality users in the world.
- Roughly 78% of Americans consider themselves to be familiar with VR technology.
- Of VR users, 64% believe that the greatest potential for video games is in VR.
Virtual Reality Business Statistics
- In terms of worldwide market size, VR has managed to increase from $3.89 billion in 2020 to $4.84 billion in 2021. Experts predict a more dramatic increase on the horizon, reaching a potential $12.19 billion market size by 2024.
- Virtual reality worldwide gaming revenue in 2017 was $400 million, and by the end of 2021, it’s expected to reach $1.4 billion. It’s predicted to hit $2.4 billion in 2024.
- Analysts predict that 6.1 million virtual reality headsets will have been sold by the end of 2021.
- The most popular VR headsets are the Oculus Quest 2, Valve Index, Oculus Rift S, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality.