VR Headsets for Office Work and Business Use

Working from home presents its own set of unique challenges. When you’re in a traditional office space, you recognize that you’re in a place dedicated to getting your specific set of daily tasks done, and this is usually done with little interruption. At home, there may be unique distractions, such as children, pets, roommates who are also working from home, and the normal sounds of working in a neighborhood or bustling city. To combat these distractions, some have considered purchasing a VR headset for office work to give themselves an immersive and interactive virtual space where they can focus.
A VR office headset can give you the opportunity to block out the real world and step into a virtual space that keeps unwanted sounds out so you are not distracted while you work. There are also VR applications that allow for people to meet virtually, which is a great remote collaboration option for meetings and projects. The use of VR could potentially lead to increased productivity for those who find it comfortable to work in simulated environments.
What Is the Best Virtual Reality Headset for Office Work?
The best business VR headset you can purchase to use for remote work is the HTC Vive Pro. It comes with a high-resolution screen that offers astounding image quality and realistic graphics. It also includes built-in noise-canceling headphones that make it easier to get immersed while you work. The drawback of the HTC Vive for business is that it requires a high-end PC to work properly and you will also need to install small “lighthouses” around your office to track your movements. There may be a lag between your movements and them showing up on the screen of your headset, but it is minuscule, and once you get used to doing work on a VR headset, it will be like second nature.
Another great VR headset for office work is the Oculus Quest 2. This system is affordable and stands alone, without the need for a costly PC to work properly. The Oculus has many of the same work-from-home apps available for purchase and installation as the HTC Vive, but it has a short battery life and may not last a full day without recharging.
In the end, when it comes to choosing a VR headset for office work, it’s best to choose one that fits your needs and budget. Using a virtual reality headset to get work done is not for everybody, but if you’re prone to distractions while working at home, it could be a great option to help you find a peaceful place away from real-world responsibilities where you can make your way through your tasks. Keep in mind that VR headsets are not meant to be worn for long periods of time without breaks, so if you find that you get a lot of work done while wearing your headset, you should make sure to take time every once in a while to hydrate and give your eyes a break.
How to Use a Virtual Reality Headset for Business
Once you slip on your VR headset to get work done, you’ll need to start up an app that will let you do your work in a virtual environment. Apps such as WorkinVR can create a virtual workspace that mirrors your monitors and an augmented keyboard overlay, so you can see your keyboard and your desktop. In order to use this application properly, you will need to set up an external webcam that can see your keyboard and your hands. Then, you’ll be able to use your computer as normal while occupying a virtual space.