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VRChat Mansion Suburban Lake House
ABOUT Suburban Lake House is a large two story home, on the lake. The world features the entire house and property. The floor plan consist of four bedrooms, five bathrooms. It also has a pool, theater room, two office rooms, workout room, two living rooms, and a large kitchen. The garage has an animated garage […]

VRChat World My Parent’s Basement Small Room
ABOUT My Parent’s Basement is a small VRChat world. The world consist of a small room with a mirror and a larger living area. Import the community billiards prefab for the pool table to work. Simple video player included. Props and furniture are individual prefabs making the world easy to customize. Move props around and […]

VRChat World Single Attic Room
ABOUT The Single Attic Room is a small bedroom designed to act as a home world. The world has small amounts of furniture, such as, a bed, dresser, and desk. There is a large mirror area near where the player spawns. Props and furniture are individual prefabs making the world easy to customize. Move props […]

Low Poly Amphitheater for Mozilla Hubs
Description: The Hubs Amphitheater is a spacious world with many low poly props. The low poly props and vegetation are individual prefabs. This low poly environment was developed and optimized for Mozilla Hubs and is available for Hubs, AltSpace, and VRChat. The world features multiple props as prefabs. VRChat and Altspace versions comes as completed […]

Low Poly Camp Site for Mozilla Hubs
Description: The Hubs Amphitheater is a spacious world with many low poly props. The low poly props and vegetation are individual prefabs. This low poly environment was developed and optimized for Mozilla Hubs and is available for Hubs, AltSpace, and VRChat. The world features multiple props as prefabs. VRChat and Altspace versions comes as completed […]

Low Poly Park for Mozilla Hubs
Description: The Hubs Camp Site is a spacious world with many low poly props. The tents have emissive lights and there are many small props. This low poly environment was developed and optimized for Mozilla Hubs and is available for Hubs, AltSpace, and VRChat. The world features multiple props as prefabs. VRChat and Altspace versions […]