My Parent’s Basement is a small VRChat world. The world consist of a small room with a mirror and a larger living area. Import the community billiards prefab for the pool table to work. Simple video player included. Props and furniture are individual prefabs making the world easy to customize. Move props around and add more props to the scene easily. VRC SDK3 Udon Package. World comes with custom udon scripts for mirror toggles and video player. Lightmap UVs generated in unity and baked lighting is included.
Unity package exported from Unity 2019.4.31f1
World Demo Link:
- Import the newest VRC SDK 3 Udon Package into VRChat’s recommended Unity version.
- Import UdonSharp before importing the project: https://github.com/vrchat-community/UdonSharp
- Import the community version of the billiards prefab by FairlySadPanda: https://github.com/VRCBilliards/vrcbce/releases
- Import SGB_Parents_Basement.unitypackage
If you need help with baked lighting: