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Rowdy Residence is a large American style McMansion. Multiple bedrooms, large living space, a cool hip garage, and many, many mirror locations. This world has over 170 unique prefab props and furniture. The exterior is only accessible from the back door, which leads to the back deck and yard, created using Unity Terrain. The front exterior of the home is not modeled. Many prefabs include animations and udon controls.

Original Unity Package Unity2019.4.31f1

Third Party Assets:

VRChat UdonSharp World using VCC – https://vrchat.com/home/download
VRCBilliards Community Edition (https://github.com/VRCBilliards/vrcbce/releases)
QVPen (https://booth.pm/en/items/1555789)
ProTV by Techanon (https://booth.pm/en/items/2536209).

Instructions VRChat:

Using VCC, follow these steps:

Go to Projects, on the left, and choose “New”.
Select “UdonSharp”
Name and save your project location. After your project is saved, open the project.
Import each Third Party Asset Prefabs, if you want those assets. Third Party assets are found here:

VRCBilliards Community Edition (https://github.com/VRCBilliards/vrcbce/releases)
QVPen (https://booth.pm/en/items/1555789)
ProTV by Techanon (https://booth.pm/en/items/2536209).

Import the Rowdy_Residence_VRC_VRS.unitypackage


Example World Link: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_ea7a3a88-7ff6-4ffa-b18e-83b56433ad4c

Terms of Service: NO Distribution. Full Terms of Service can be found here /terms-of-service/

Rowdy Residence VRChat American Suburban House

Rowdy Residence is a large American style McMansion. Multiple bedrooms, large living space, a cool hip garage, and many, many mirror locations. This world has over 170 unique prefab props and furniture.



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