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How to Upload a VRChat World to Quest

Uploading to quest is easy! To upload to quest, you need to change Unity platform to be 0n the Android Build version. To do this go to File -> Build Settings.

In the window that pops up, select Android. Press Switch Platform. If you do not have the Android Unity Build download, you will be prompted to download it. Follow the directions and install. After you restart Unity, you will be able to change your Unity Build Settings.

I made a Video tutorial that you can follow here:

To make sure your world can run on quest, it’s recommended you bake lights. You can learn about baking lights from this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRcfHCi3MZA&t=1s

Here are some more tips to help get your world ready for quest:

Setting Blueprint ID

Every VRChat world has a Blueprint ID. It’s basically a world serial code. To upload a Quest and PC version of a world, you must upload two versions of the world, one to PC and one to Quest, on the same Blueprint ID.  Upload the PC version of the World on the PC Build of Unity and Upload the Quest version of the World on the Quest Build of Unity. When you upload for the first time, your world will be assigned a blueprint ID.

You can change the blueprint ID of any world by navigating to the Pipeline Manager, which is normally located in the VRCWorld gameobject.

If you are uploading from the same scene, you usually do not have to mess with this.

Compress Lightmaps

After you bake lights, you will get a series of lightmaps, which are emissive textures that overlay your world and simulate light. The default compression settings on these lightmaps make them look odd when you’re on the Android build of Unity. To fix this, select all your lightmaps and navigate to the compression settings in the inspector.

Select the android icon, at the bottom, and check the “override for Android” button. This will make it so your compression settings only change for the android (quest) build of your world.

Change the format from “RGB Compressed ETC 4 bits” to “RGB(A) Compressed ASTC 4×4 block”.

Hit Apply.


Lower VRChat World Size by Compressing Textures

A great way to lower file size is by compressing textures in your world. Navigate to your textures, in your assets folder, and select them. In the inspector, go to the bottom to find the compression settings. If you change the compression settings in the Default tab, you can change compression for both PC and Quest. Choosing the PC and Android icons will allow you to override compression settings for each platform.

Lowering the “Max Size” and using crunch compression, can help lower the file size of your textures. At the very bottom of your inspector, you can see what the file size of your texture is.



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